Julia Brook
Director, DAN School of Drama and Music; Associate Professor
B.Mus. (Brandon University), B.Ed. (Brandon University), M.Mus. (Brandon University), M.A. (University of Ottawa), Ph.D. (Queen's University)
Music Education
Music, Drama, Music/Theatre, Entrepreneurship, Arts Leadership, MAPP, COCA
Research Interests:
My research examines the intersections between community contexts and teaching and learning in the arts. I use qualitative methods to examine studio, school, and community music education programs. My research has been generously supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, The Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Foundation of Innovation, and the Music Education Consortium.
I am currently a Co-PI with Dr. Colleen Renihan on a SSHRC sponsored research-creation project that relies on literature from music education, musicology, and music theatre performance to examine the development of music theatre programs. This research examines both the musicking process and products based on observations of the sessions and interviews with participants and instructors. Through this research we aim to increase capacity and best practices for supporting individuals of all abilities and ages in music theatre and challenge and expand current notions of student, teacher, performer, and creator. The Creation aspect of this research encompasses both the development of the programs as well as the creation of new pieces of music theatre that are created. Find out more about Rise, Shine, Sing! on our website: https://www.riseshinesing.ca/
Keywords: personhood, responsive and place-based pedagogies, critical geragogy, elementary music education, community music education, accessibility and inclusion, higher education, career trajectory of musicians, qualitative research, research-creation
Courses taught:
MUSC 114 Introduction to Teaching Music to Children
MUSC 274 Symphony Education Partnership
MUSC 245 Teaching Music in Online, Hybrid and Face-to-Face Environments
MUSC 334 Elementary Music Education
MUSC 335 Music Education in the Community
MUTH 387 Research Methods in Performing Arts Education
MUSC 438 Music Education Seminar
MUSC 439 Creativity