Corinne (Cory) Laverty
Library Staff
B.Mus. (Queen’s), Postgraduate Diploma in Music (London, UK), MA Musicology (Western), MLIS (Western), Ph.D. (Information Science, Wales)
Cory is a research librarian with interests in inclusive and decolonizing teaching practices, inquiry-based learning, and professional development models for faculty and librarians. Her background is in music, working as a high school music teacher and private instructor, and in educational development, working at Queen's Centre for Teaching and Learning. She is currently the Art, Drama, and Music Librarian. She was honoured with the OCUFA Academic Librarianship Award and the OCULA Lifetime Achievement Award. Recent publications include:
Laverty, C. & Berish, F. (2022). Decolonizing librarians’ teaching practice: In search of a process and a pathway. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship. https://doi.org/10.33137/cjalrcbu.v8.37780
Laverty, C., Kolomitro, K., & Kostyukov, J. (2022), Student perspectives on inclusive education: A framework for teaching and learning. In Taking Stock 2.0: Research on teaching and learning in higher education (pp. 69-92). McGill-Queen's University Press.