Undergraduate Students

Choral Ensemble

Choral Ensemble: MUSC 115, 215, 315, 415/1.5 units

Director - Darrell Christie

The Queen’s University Choral Ensemble is open to the entire Queen’s Community. 

This mixed voice, large ensemble, conducted by Darrell Christie, rehearses throughout the year (September to April) performing several public concerts annually. The ensemble has had the opportunity to sing regularly with the Kingston Symphony Orchestra, Queen’s Symphony Orchestra, and last year had the chance to participate in a workshop with the Canadian Chamber Choir. Previous significant works performed have included Faure’s Requiem, Orff’s, Carmina Burana, and Jenkins’ The Armed Man. The ensemble also focuses on contemporary and Canadian works, performing repertoire by Lauridsen, Rutter, Whitacre, and Runestad, to name a few. The ensemble regularly performs at Queen’s University Remembrance Day Services and has also presented music at important Queen’s events, such as the installation of our Principal and Chancellor. 

Admission to the ensemble is by audition – however, this audition is used mostly to ensure correct placement into voice sections, and all are encouraged to apply, regardless of formal singing experience. 

Students are asked to submit a short video (1-2 minutes), performing an unaccompanied song of their choice that demonstrates their ability to sing in a choral style. Examples of suitable songs include classical songs, folk songs, pop songs, or choral repertoire.

NOTE: Students will be registered into the course number that matches their current level of study. (i.e: if a student is in third year they will be registered in MUSC 315). Auditions must be submitted by June 22, 2024. 

Audition Application